Ambient SPM Family

Ambient SPM

Ambient SPM Family Overview

At the intersection of performance and affordability for benchtop, glovebox, or ultimately moving to HV or UHV, PanScan and Beetle Ambient Systems are a perfect beginning.  RHK’s ATM PanScan and Beetle provide a unique instrument solution for researchers. The ATM series offers users a true state-of-the-art SPM instrument that is completely UHV compatible. No other instrument provides this level of functionality with unlimited upgradeability.


  • Dedicated STM or AFM/STM models available for Beetle and PanScan Ambient Systems
  • UHV Beetle Scanner Design – Unmatched thermal stability. Scan the same area of a sample repeatedly without drifting
  • UHV PanScan Scanner Design – Compact, rigid design well know for its stability in extreme environments
  • R9plus Controller – The world’s standard in control flexibility and performance
  • Convenient Lexan and frame enclosure for easy benchtop or air table use.
  • Open Design – Optical access to tip/sample interface
  • UHV materials and construction
  • RHK Ambient Systems provide a versatile atmospheric nanotech research instrument, as well as a straightforward, economical upgrade path to high-vacuum or UHV variable temperature or LT capabilities when research objectives change.
  • Custom Interface Packages available – e.g. Glove Box
  • Electro-chemistry-compatible sample holders for use with Beetle STM atmospheric system


Ambient STM series EC-sample-holder-option-2


Pan-RT-Ambient-in-Enclosure-image-1 PanScan-UHV-RT-scan-flange-assembly-1 Beetle-ATM-300-350