Zeiss Supra-VP field-emission scanning electron microscope
RHK Technology SPM 1000 Control System with XPMPro Software
Sample: MOCVD-grown GaN nanowires and structures on GaN film, sapphire substrate. Images: “Topographic”Secondary electron (SEM) image acquired with in-lens detector, and cathodoluminescence (CL) image acquired using a Hammamatsu photomultiplier tube (quantum efficiency 3 to 30% between 300 and 600 nm) in pulse-counting mode. 1 ms/pixel with CL count rates up to 1.8 MHz. image size set by SEM, 110 mm / 7500 = 14 um
Frank Ogletree, Shaul Aloni and Tev Kuykendall Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab