
Panscan Freedom SPM,  VT Beetle
Posted Date: March 2, 2023

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Panscan Freedom SPM,  VT Beetle
Posted Date: March 2, 2023

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Panscan Freedom SPM,  VT Beetle
Event Date: February 26, 2023

Microscopy Conference 2023,
Darmstadt, Germany
Feb 26 – March 2
booth E1-16a

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Panscan Freedom SPM,  VT Beetle
Posted Date: March 7, 2022

RHK Technology, Inc., since 1987 a leading US-based UHV STM/AFM and Control innovator and manufacturer for global nanoscale research, advances CL, PL, and Raman research with the new UHV LT PanScan Freedom Lumin-SLT achieving up to 72% light capture.

Unicamp, a Brazilian university active in Surface Science and optical spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructures, purchased an RHK PanScan for one of their laboratories as a platform for optical spectroscopies linked to atomically resolved imaging. RHK customized their system to enable integration of Unicamp-developed optical components, allowing optimized light collection and analysis for their research. As a result of their joint innovations, Unicamp findings are already published in 3 peer-reviewed scientific journals, with a 4th in process. RHK has licensed Unicamp technology and is now incorporating it into RHK’s new PanScan Freedom Lumin-SLT.

RHK, not just remarkable…revolutionary
PanScan Freedom Lumin-SLT again positions RHK Technology as a proven first-to-market innovator of crucial enabling technology for exploring new frontiers of nanoscience. In fact, RHK’s UHV LT Cryo-Free PanScan Freedom itself was an earlier ground-breaking, first-to-market enabling technology, now installed in dozens of laboratories around the world.

Enlighten yourself!
At the heart of the Lumin-SLT is its unprecedented light collection efficiency. Previous commercial light collection systems were limited to a tiny fraction of the light emitted from the probe/sample interface. This inefficient light collection not only greatly lengthened acquisition times but frequently led to signal levels below the noise floor. The Lumin-SLT’s 72% light collection efficiency overcomes those limitations.

Features and applications
PanScan Freedom Lumin-SLT can collect light emitted by the sample upon excitation using the STM tunnel current, a technique usually called Scanning Tunneling Microscopy induced light emission (STM-LE). Moreover, when operating the STM in Field Emission mode, electrons of higher energy hit the sample surface causing light emission usually called Cathodoluminescence (CL) that can be captured. PanScan Freedom Lumin-SLT can also be used to inject light to perform Photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy. The light coupling to the spectrometer is performed by use of optical fibers for greater flexibility and higher spectral resolution. The system uses sub-micrometer positioning to reach accurate alignment and safe use.

Light up your research with PanScan Lumin-SLT
PanScan Freedom Lumin-SLT is the most suitable tool to study the interplay between optical and electronic features with morphology of nanostructures. Such interplay is of paramount importance in semiconductors such as Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs), quantum confined systems (core-shell nanoparticles), and plasmonic nanoparticles, among many others.

Adam Kollin, RHK Technology’s Founder and President, said, “RHK is proud to have partnered with Unicamp to develop a high efficiency light collection system to extend the capabilities of our industry leading PanScan family of SPMs. With the PanScan Lumin-SLT, RHK can further support cutting-edge research in optical spectroscopy. Integrating UNICAMP’s Optical advancements with the PanScan SPM enables RHK to deliver the first-of-its kind atomic resolution UHV STM with an optical capture rate of 72%.”

Professor Luiz Zagonel, in the Applied Physics Department, UNICAMP, added, “We are excited to work with RHK scientists to take advantage of our expertise in Physics and Optical spectroscopy. Our research goal was a scientific-grade optical instrument delivering unmatched CL, PL, and Raman performance, with a world-class atomic resolution UHV SPM. Our work with RHK has produced a novel UHV SPM with atomic resolution and up to 72% light capture. Through our coordinated efforts with RHK we achieved impressive results across surface science fronts without compromise.”

The UHV LT PanScan Freedom Lumin-SLT will be built and integrated at RHK’s US factory in Michigan. The system is available for purchase from RHK Technology, Inc. and its worldwide network of authorized distributors.

RHK Technology, Inc.
1233 Chicago Rd.
Troy, Michigan USA 48083
Adam J. Kollin, President
Email: [email protected]

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